A Typical Day in Modern Day Slavery

A Typical Day in Modern Day Slavery

It is supposed to be 86 degrees here in NY today. As I turned my back on my sweet little pooch this morning as she was wagging her tail willing me to stay with her and shut the door in her face my heart broke and I felt sick being FORCED to leave her when all I wanted to do was spend the entire day with her. And they call this country "Land of the Free"? What a paradox.

As I drove the 40 miles to this Godforsaken company to my menial task job all I could think about was how absurd it was that I am forced to do so in this day in age when I could easily do the menial tasks I am relegated from the comfort of my own home. It is adding insult to injury to be in such a situation and it makes zero sense no matter how you look at it. Economically, environmentally, productively.

The truth is that because I am angry and bitter being forced to do so, whatever the weather, rain, sleet, snow, that I PURPOSELY do as little work as humanly possible day in and day out. Ironically, if I was given the choice of working from home I would be so grateful and appreciative that I would be inclined to produce AS MUCH as possible, not AS LITTLE as possible.

That is why these archaic company policies are not only longer relevant, but they are no longer productive. They serve to discourage people from being productive. I see it each and every day. I live it and with each passing year as technology becomes more advanced the reasoning for being chained to this desk has evaporated. Leaving millions upon millions of angry, bitter employees, producing as little as possible.

You tell me, who do these outmoded policies serve? Absolutely no one. Not the employees and certainly not the companies that insist on retaining them. It only hurts their bottom line.

While I rack my brain trying to figure out a way out of this prison I hold out hope that at some point in the near future laws will be set in place that prevent companies from forcing people who can just as easily work from home trek into another location whether near of far. For any commuting not only harmful to the environment, but also it is harmful to the human spirit. We need to respect our citizens and allow them at least the choice of working from the comfort of their own homes.

In the interim as we are still being forced to contend with the traffic, and the elements, in spite we will spend as much time as possible NOT doing the work we could just as easily do from home.

Tell me.....who does that benefit?

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