Whoever named Wednesday hump day got it right. Getting over the hump is always a challenge. Each and every day in this hell is a challenge. I must constantly rationalize to myself why I continue to torture myself, day in and day out. It is just AWFUL. Of course the ONLY reason I do it is for the paycheck....which is such a tragedy. I still cannot believe I have ended up in this position. I never would have thought this would have been my life if you would have asked me when I was in college. I had NO idea what the corporate world entailed. I was completely ignorant of the depth of discrimination that still exists in this country. I naively thought that women would be treated equal to men. WOW was I wrong. So very, very wrong. I can't explain the impact this has had on me. On my morale, my self esteem, my individuality. It has been absolutely devastating.
Of course I still believe wholeheartedly that women are equal to men and should be treated as such, but the powerlessness I feel regarding this atrocity still taking place not only in the company I work for but in this country is extremely depressing and actually debilitating at times. Sometimes paralysis sets in and I can barely drag myself out of bed. I search and search for the answer, for the way out, and I have tried many things, but I still have yet to find the way to true FREEDOM. However, I will NOT give up until I do find the answer at which time I will share with as many people as possible.
It breaks my heart to know how many people feel the way I do. So many are living a daily hell of subservience to the rich, elite and power hungry of this country. It as a travesty. As I trek the 80 mile round trip commute each and everyday on the highway wasteland I observe the people around me and can see the same deadness and defeatism in their faces that I feel each and every day. It is so painful.
It is horrible that humans are FORCED to do things they despise just so they may have a bed to sleep in and food to eat. In too many cases neither of these needs are sufficiently met even though people are still suffering just to make ends meet.
Ugh...we need a better system in this country, and in the world. Our system only benefits a select minority of people, mostly white men. This is unacceptable. It is this minority of privileged individuals that continues to benefit from the horrendous economic system of the United States that make the laws to see that this skewed system stays in place so that the rest of us must suffer the degradation and dissatisfaction of doing work that is not only demeaning in many cases but completely ungratifying.
I am hoping that when enough people realize how unfair our economic system is that a revolution will take place and we will change things so that the MAJORITY of people aren't expected to sacrifice and suffer for the benefit of the few.
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