Hell on Earth

Hell on Earth

That is what working for a private corporation is. I just found at that after 10 years of service, taking on more responsibility each year I will be receiving a 1% raise this year. How absolutely appalling is that? It's enough to make one go mad. There is nothing that I want more than to spit in the faces of those who continue to exploit me year after year after year.

Of course there are those of you that will say that I ask for it by staying at a company who discriminates against and exploits it's female employees. However, you would have to understand where I live and the lack of jobs available. Trust me if there was something even comparable in the area I would be out of here. I commute 80 miles a day as it is to come to this God awful job to collect a paycheck that just pays my bills but doesn't allow for anything more. Unlike the men at this company who make more money than they can spend and get all kinds of perks and bonuses.

I understand why people on the losing end of the economic scale lose their minds. When I was in college achieving one college degree after the other, I never thought I would end up here. I had no doubt whatsoever that I would be extremely successful. I have the intelligence, the education, the discipline. But none of that matters in corporate America. All that matters is your sex, race, and willingness to take abuse.

I am trying hard to get out. I have started my own business and am working toward a future of self sufficiency, but it's taking longer than I would like. Every day here is like losing a little more of myself, my soul, the hopes and dreams I thrived on to get through 7 years of college and many years of neglect and abuse as a child.

Please do not misinterpret my anger, disappointment and resentment as pity on myself. I don't feel pity for myself just bitter disappointment. However, I do feel pity for all of those that have the misfortune of being even further down the economic scale than I for that is an even worse state of affairs.

Everyday when I see the young lady that works here cleaning the toilets and cleaning up after others all day I feel nauseated. I completely empathize with her plight. She hardly speaks English which makes it very easy to discriminate against her. She couldn't stand up for herself in this country if she wanted to with the language barrier. Who is advocating for her. Why should she have to clean the shit of others while the others whose shit she is cleaning don't even have to put their own gas in their cars. It is atrocious.

I pray everyday for the day when I can walk away. I beg God to help make the economic system in this country and around the world more fair for its inhabitants. This Capitalistic Economic System that we have is completely unjust and needs to be ended. A more fair, socialistic system needs to be implemented so the wealth that is available is shared equally amongst everyone.

I hope to God that I will live to see this change happen.

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