The Corporate Act

The Corporate Act

A coworker recently presented me with a perfect metaphor for this hell on earth that is corporate America. She said one must be able to be an Academy Award winning actor/actress in order to make it in this horrendous company. I am going to take it a bit further and say that I believe this is probably true for most corporations in this country. I don't have the personal experience to speak for other parts of the world. However, I can certainly attest to the fact that having the ability to act is essential to making it in the company I work at.

Each and every morning I begin preparing my game face during the 40 mile trek in. I literally must psyche myself up every day on the walk in from the car. I put a fake smile on my face and take deep breaths. The count down begins from the moment I wake up but the literal count down begins from the moment I park my car. I constantly look at the clock making a mental note of how many minutes are left before I can leave my imprisonment and be free for the few hours before having to return to my chains. It is such hell and the entire time I am chained to this desk I attempt deep breathing techniques to calm myself. It is extremely challenging and becomes more of a challenge with each passing day.

It is horrible not to feel comfortable being yourself for such a large part of one's existence. Denying oneself is soul crushing and actually debilitating. Some days, today being one, I can barely breathe. I just want to be left alone but I get annoying request after annoying request. The majority of requests I get are tasks that the person asking could just as easily do. Of course some will say that I should be happy that they don't want to do it and can get the company to pay someone else do do them, and being that I am need of the measly paycheck that I do receive I suppose I should be grateful. Although it is extremely difficult to be grateful for being required to do one demeaning task after another and to be treated with such contempt from the unethical, immoral management that exists here. It is a constant battle to keep my spirit in tact for each request is an assault on my spirit and if I did not struggle day after day, month after month, year after year to keep it in tact it would be long dead.

I pray every single day that I will find away to escape this hell and I can only hope that everyone who is suffering the same fate as I will also find a way to escape their chains and degradation. If it takes me the rest of my life I will figure out a way and then hopefully will be able to pass it on to others. That is ALL I can think about the majority of the time.

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