It has been quite some time since I have posted. I have been working on my small business trying to grow it while in the midst of switching corporate jobs. Health insurance and fear of the unknown still keep me tethered to a corporate prison but not for much longer.
In all honesty, breaking free of the 12.2 year prison of the one corporation has done wonders for my confidence. Now that I am at another company I realize that it isn't that difficult to find a "9-5" job so my fear has dissipated quite a bit. I had a little hope that this corporation might feel better than the last because the commute is 20 minutes less each way, but it does not. Same hell, different location. I now realize I am just not someone who will be happy beating to someone else's drum. It is just not me. I need to beat to my own drum and am going to do that very very soon.
It has taken me 3 years on this particular business to be at a point where I ALMOST feel confident enough to walk from my corporate prison, and if I did not have to consider health insurance I would be gone already, but unfortunately I do have to consider health insurance and therefore am going to try to push off walking for as many months as I possibly can with a deadline of March 2014. I don't have much hope that I will be able to wait that long but I am going to try.
I am hoping by then that this country will have available affordable health insurance policies for its entrepreneurs. We shall see.
In the interim, I will hang in there, and I hope all of you who are in the same boat and suffering as deeply as I am are also planning your escapes. Because I now know, which I did not 5 years ago that there are escape avenues available to those of us who were taught to believe that the only path to success was the "9-5" grind. Wow was that a big fat lie and I am glad it was because I cannot imagine spending another 20 years like this. Death would be a relief if that was the case.
May the force be with you as you plan and implement your own escape routes.
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